APPRENTICING at Bread and Puppet this August !

CHOREOGRAPHING/THEREMIN-ING for Collective Womb, a performance-ritual narrating an origin story of the world’s first abortion, concieved and directed by Alex Neuman - reading on May 16 and performance on June 20th !

ATTENDING my dear friend Ally’s wedding in FL on 4/20 !

DANCING/DEVISING for DINNER, a dance theater work where we try to figure out: “What the fuck happened to Jo, and can you see this growth in the back of my throat? Four friends try to have a dinner party after Jo up and ghosted the squad. A queer multimodal devised performance. (Contains gluten),” by Mack Lawrence, co-directed by Logan gabrielle Schulman, for the BRICK’s Interrobang Festival this April 16 & 18 !

MOVEMENT DIRECTING a god’s housethe MFA thesis of Irisdelia Garcia, an investigation of Puerto Rican womanhood and Irisdelia’s “relationship with ancestry, memory, and place through the desire to desperately document” what no longer exists - going up this April 17 - 19 !

CHOREOGRAPHING for Catalina Cofone Pollack’s presentation of Divina Catharsis at the Argentinian Embassy in NYC in March !

FEATURED MOVEMENT ARTIST for the Poetry Society of New York’s HAPPENINGS program in January !

MANAGING OPERATIONS at Movement Research, NYC !

keep tabs here to learn more !

and you can email me at rachelceciro@gmail.com for a lil chat any time.